Mental Demise — Final Step To Future Madness (2009)

1. Drowning Into the Mental Demise
2. Why Do You Need a God?
3. Sociocollapsus
4. Part of Civilization
5. Automatic Conformism
6. Controlable Terrorization
7. The Rising of the Black Moon
8. Not My Business
9. House of Chthon
10. Maniacal Progression
11. From the Anatomical Deeps (Dead Infection cover)
12. Coitus Per Machina (Demo)
13. Soporific Anabiosis (Demo)
14. Pornopedophilic Mockery (Demo)1. Drowning Into the Mental Demise
2. Why Do You Need a God?
3. Sociocollapsus
4. Part of Civilization
5. Automatic Conformism
6. Controlable Terrorization
7. The Rising of the Black Moon
8. Not My Business
9. House of Chthon
10. Maniacal Progression
11. From the Anatomical Deeps (Dead Infection cover)
12. Coitus Per Machina (Demo)
13. Soporific Anabiosis (Demo)
14. Pornopedophilic Mockery (Demo)